Types of Magic Items (Chapter 12.1b)
Types of Magic Items: Magic Items are sorted into 5 categories:
-Magic Weapons: Any of the melee or ranged weapons or ammunition enhanced with magic power.
-Magic Armor: Any type of worn armor enhanced with magic power.
-Wands: These store a small number of spells that may be activated a small number of times per day.
-Scrolls: Magically infused parchment that can activate a single spell, then it is destroyed.
-Wondrous Items: The most diverse group of magic items including magically enhanced rings, amulets, clothing, unique consumables, books, tents, backpacks, and all sorts of other adventuring gear.
-Note: Although potions create magical effects, they are alchemical items.
How do I get a magic item? Just like any other gear, magic items may be found, purchased, or made.
-Magic items may be purchased from shops, trading posts, or from traveling merchants.
-Magic items may be found buried in ancient tombs or even acquired from defeated foes.
-You can bring any masterwork item to an enchanter and have them add the desired magic to your item. You will pay for the full price of the magic required for the item, and possibly a bit extra for their magical services, especially if they need a scroll for a specific spell.
-You can use the Craft(Magic Item) Skill to add magical enchantments to items!
Legendary Magic Items: Any magic item with a Merchant Price of at least 20000gp is considered a Legendary Item. These items should be extremely rare and prized by those who have them! Powerful leaders may send people on quests to find them, steal them, or even destroy them so they can’t be used against them. Legendary Items may be considered Artifacts depending on the story and the creator of the item.
Artifacts: Any magic item worth at least 50000gp is automatically considered an Artifact, but they may be as low as 25000gp. Artifacts cannot be disenchanted or destroyed through normal means. These items are often unique to individual game worlds. They are usually created or possessed by gods, as their awesome powers are well beyond that of the mortal realm.
Using Magic Items (Chapter 12.1c)
Using Magic Items: Magic items function in many different ways; some are active all the time, some you must activate by saying a spell or phrase, and some remain dormant until needed. The following section describes the use and activation of all the standard magic items found in LFG.
Magic Items can be activated in the following ways:
-A magic item’s activation type is stated in the item description, generally directly after the Merchant Price.
Passive: Once created, the magic power of these items is always active. You don’t need to activate them.
-“Passive” magic items are usually worn or wielded, such as magic clothes, armor, or weapons. Passive magic items only grant their magical benefits when properly worn or wielded.
Command (Swift Action): The magic item activates using a spoken word or phrase, generally 3-6 syllables. These items are deactivated using the same command.
Cast (Big Action, AOO): The magic item is used to cast a spell. It is activated using Verbal (V) & Somatic (S) components, just like a spell. You must speak a short phrase while gesturing with your arms and hands. The effect lasts for a set duration, then ends. (If you cannot move or speak, you cannot activate the item!)
Touch (Little Action, AOO): The magic in this item is activated by touching the object with your hand for a moment while purposefully thinking about activating the item. (The item cannot be accidentally activated with a touch)
Touch Code (Big Action, AOO): A Touch Code is a specific finger or hand motion along the body of the item that allows it to be activated. The item may have runes or numbers upon it that must be touched in a specific order.
Thought (Swift Action): To activate or deactivate, just think about the magic while holding or wearing the item.
(Reminder – A Swift Action is a Little Action that does not provoke AOO)
Note: Some items may have certain abilities that are passive and other abilities that function on another type of activation. For example, a +1 Flaming Dagger always grants a +1 Attack & Damage Bonus when wielded, but you can choose to activate or deactivate the “Flaming” ability with a Command.
Uses Per Day: Many magic items have special abilities that can be used a number of times per day (or week, month, hour, etc). Each activation consumes 1 use. These uses are provided by the item, NOT the wearer.
For example: A Necklace of Teleportation allows use of the Teleport Spell 1/day. If you use the necklace to activate the Teleport spell, nobody can use the necklace again until the next day!
Magic Item Attunement (12.1d): While most magic items function immediately upon being worn or acquired, some magic items must be worn for a period of time to magically attune to your body functioning properly.
-If a magic item indicates (Attuned), it must be worn or wielded for 12 hours before it begins to function. After attuning to the item, you may take it on and off at your leisure, but if the item is not worn or equipped for more than 1 day (24 hours), the attunement ends and you must re-attune.
-Certain magic items may describe a different attunement period or attunement ritual.
Magic Scrolls, Wands, & Containers
Magic Items - Part 2
-More magic stuff!
Scrolls, Wands, Magic Clothing, & Magic Containers
You may have 1 magic container in each Carrying Location. (There are 11 Carrying Locations in total)
-Carrying Locations: 1 Backpack, 2x Back Sheath, 2x Side Sheath, 2x Boot Sheath, 3x Belt Pouch, 1 Waterskin
-There are many magic items that do not take up specific locations. These may be wielded in your hands, used and consumed, constantly active, or just carried in your bags. There is no limit on how many of these other items you can have in your inventory, although most magic items must be held in hand to be activated.

Scrolls & Wands (Chapter 12.4)
12.4a – Spell Scrolls: Scrolls
What is a Spell Scroll? A spell scroll is a rolled parchment that contains a single magic spell, along with instructions of how to activate its power. Someone who knows how to read the writing on the scroll can activate the magic powers contained within. Any Spell Scroll in the game requires the following information:
Written Language, Spell Name, Spell Level, Spell Save DC
-A scroll may be written in any language known by the creator.
-A “spell scroll” may be made of parchment, leather, or any other writing surface (even a stone tablet).
If you find a Spell Scroll and wish to identify the spell contained within:
-You must be able to read the written language of the scroll.
-If you can read it, make a Craft(Academia) check DC(10+SL) to identify the spell contained within the scroll. If you succeed by 5+, you determine the exact SL and any Save DC associated with the spell.
How do I activate a Spell Scroll?
*Note: Activating a Scroll counts as “Casting a Spell on Your Turn.”
-You cannot cast another spell on the same turn in which you use a magic scroll.
If you created the Spell Scroll yourself: (Or if you had it custom made for you in a language you understand.)
-You must hold the parchment open with at least 1 hand and speak the written words aloud.
-You must speak at least as loud as conversational speech (as loud as a Verbal spell component).
-Activating a Spell Scroll is a Big Action (Provokes AOO). The scroll turns to dust once activated.
If you did not create the Spell Scroll yourself:
-You must be able to read the language of the scroll.
-You must hold the parchment open with at least 1 hand and speak the written words aloud.
-Attempting to activate a Spell Scroll is a Big Action (Provokes AOO).
-You must pass a Linguistics Check DC(10+[2xSL]) to properly activate the scroll.
-The check is to match the pronunciation, tone, & cadence of the Verbal components.
-If you succeed on this check, the spell activates & the scroll crumples to dust.
Failing a Spell Scroll activation attempt:
-If you fail by 4 or less, nothing happens; the scroll does not activate and you may try it again later.
-If you fail by 5 or more, the energy of the scroll is released improperly; the scroll disintegrates and its energy bursts outward, striking you (and perhaps the surrounding area) in a “scroll mishap.”
-The standard “scroll mishap” deals 1d6 Force Damage to you per Spell Level.
-Different, optional “scroll mishaps” are fully at the discretion of the GM (but here are a few ideas!):
-The spell affects the caster instead of the target.
-A spell with equivalent or lesser, but opposite, power is released instead.
-A 10’ radius bust of 1d6 Force Damage, REF Save DC(10+Spell Level) for half damage.
-A very small, ridiculous item or creature appears in the target area (a cup, a potted plant, a cricket, a wooden spoon, etc). -A “scroll mishap” may never deal more damage than 1d6 per Spell Level.
What happens when I activate the scroll?
-Upon reading the final syllable, the spell activates, and the scroll turns to ash as the power is released.
-If the spell requires a target, you select the target as you begin reading. If the spell has a range of “touch,” and the target is within your natural reach, you may activate the scroll and touch the intended character as part of the same action.
-If the target you wish to touch is unwilling, roll a melee touch attack. A willing target does not require an attack roll.
How Much Does a Scroll Cost: Merchant Price for a Spell Scroll = (SL x SL x 10gp)
SL0 = 5gp, SL1 = 10gp, SL2 = 40gp, SL3 = 90gp, SL4 = 160gp, SL5 = 250gp, SL6 = 360gp, SL7 = 490gp, SL8 = 640gp, SL9 = 810gp
*Spell Scrolls that contain spells with higher Save DC than minimum are +10% more expensive per extra +1 Save DC.
How do I make a Spell Scroll? You need Craft(Academia) CraComs & a stable place to work.
Scrolls are made, or scribed, using the Craft(Academia) Skill, along with some spellcasting. Crafting a Spell Scroll requires an amount of Craft(Academia) CraComs equal to half the Merchant Price of the scroll.
-These components represent special inks, parchment, & writing instruments capable of holding magic power.
Scribe Scroll using Craft(Academia) - (DC10+[2xSL]): As you begin to scribe the scroll, you must cast the spell into the parchment. After casting, you must work for 10 minutes per DC, carefully detailing the words into the magically enhanced parchment. Roll your Craft(Academia) check to see if you are successful.
-Unfortunately, given the fact that the magic will dissipate, any failure on the Craft check to scribe a scroll causes the loss of all CraComs used in its attempted creation.
-You must complete the scroll in one sitting. The magic dissipates if left too long.
-You must be able to cast the spell yourself! You cannot have an assistant cast a spell for a scroll.
-You cannot make a Spell Scroll of any spell that requires a Unique Component.
-A Spell Scroll is never more than 1 standard parchment page (front and back) in length.
Spell Scroll Clarifications & Limitations:
-If the spell within the Spell Scroll has a longer casting time than 1 Big Action, then the Activation of the scroll increases to match the normal casting time of the spell within.
-The Spell Save DC of a Spell Scroll is the Save DC of the spell as cast by the scroll’s creator at the moment they created the scroll.
-Feats that affect all spells you cast, or all spells of a certain School of magic, may be used to enhance a spell within a scroll. (Ex: Spell Practice, Extended Touch, Long Range Spells)
-Ex: Mayat creates a SL4 Spell Scroll for a Fireball Spell. She has a 20 INT and a +1 Bonus to all Primal Spell Saves from the Spell Practice(Primal) Feat. A Fireball from her scroll has a REF Save DC 10+4+5+1 = REF DC20
-When making a Spell Scroll, you cannot apply benefits of Feats that have a numerical limit to their uses.
-These are often referred to as Metamagic Feats – Feats that momentarily enhance your magic casting.
-Ex: You cannot use Silent Spell or Empower Spell on a spell contained within a scroll.
12.4b – Magic Wands: Wands
What is a Magic Wand? A wand is a small baton, rod, or stick-like item that contains numerous uses of a single spell. A spellcaster who knows the proper command word can activate the spell contained within.
-A new wand contains 20 charges of the indicated spell. (It may be used 20 times)
-The spell in a wand must be SL0-SL3 and cannot have a Casting Time longer than a Big Action.
-Each activation of the wand uses a single charge.
-You gain a +1 Gear Bonus on any Touch Attack Rolls made with a Magic Wand.
-Some special wands may have other effects or abilities noted in their descriptions.
Any Magic Wand in the game requires the following information:
Spell Name, Spell Level & Save DC, Command Word (if present), Charges Remaining
The Save DC for any Spell from a Wand is as follows: SL0 = DC10, SL1 = DC11, SL2 = DC13, SL3 = DC14
How do I activate a Magic Wand?
You must meet the following prerequisites to activate a wand normally:
-Know the command word for the wand.
-Some wands have the command word or spell name engraved or written on the side of them.
-If the wand is Arcane: You must be able to cast Arcane Spells of the Wand’s Spell Level.
-If the wand is Divine: You must be able to cast Divine Spells of the Wand’s Spell Level.
Activating a Wand is a Big Action that provokes AOO. (Using the “Cast” Activation method)
-Hold the wand in a single hand, point at your intended target, and speak the command word aloud (exactly as a Verbal Spell Component). A Wand may only be activated once per round.
-You must be able to see (or otherwise properly locate) your target.
-Touch-range spells (Touch or Self+TAS) require that you touch the target with the wand as part of the activation action or when releasing a charge. Unwilling targets require a melee touch attack.
-Self+TAS Spells charge the end of the wand instead of your hands.
-If the spell uses a Ranged Touch attack (such as a Ray spell), you must make a Ranged Touch Attack.
*A Wand may never be activated more than once per Round.
*NOTE – Activating a Wand does NOT count as “Casting a Spell on Your Turn.” This means that casters with their own personal spells may activate a wand AND cast one of their own spells on the same turn!
If you do not meet the prerequisites, you may attempt to activate a wand as follows:
-If you know the Command Word, but are not able to cast spells of the SL in the wand, make a Bluff check DC[10+(2xSL)] as part of the activation action. (Ex: SL0 = DC10, SL1 = DC12, SL2 = DC14, SL3 = DC16)
-If you do not know the Command Word, make a Bluff check DC[20+(2xSL)].
(Ex: SL0 = DC20, SL1 = DC22, SL2 = DC24, SL3 = DC26)
-Note: The Knowledge(Arcana/Religion) Skills & the Identify spell can be used to discover the Command Word.
-If you pass this Bluff check, you activate the wand normally. You must attempt this Bluff check whenever you attempt to use the wand until you meet all prerequisites.
-If you fail by 4 or less, 1 charge is wasted, but the wand does not activate.
-If you fail by 5 or more, the energy of the wand is released improperly; the wand loses 1d4 charges as energy bursts outward, striking you for 1d4 Force damage per SL. (This is an Activation Mishap)
What happens when I activate the Wand?
-The spell activates and functions exactly as if cast normally at the indicated Spell Level.
-A single charge is removed from the wand.
What happens when the Wand is out of charges? Do charges come back?
-A wand that is out of charges is useless. Once expended, the charges never return.
How do I make a Wand? Wands are made using the Craft(Magic Item) Skill, along with some spell-casting.
-You must have a masterwork rod or wand-like item to enhance with magic power!
(Consider this a masterwork glass/wood/metal rod for simplicity = DC10 craft wood/metal/glass, Cost = 10gp)
Craft a Wand using Craft(Magic Item) - (DC10+[2xSL]): As you begin to add magic to the wand, you (or a spell-casting assistant) must cast the spell into the wand (max SL3). The same person must cast the spell a second time as you finish working on the wand.
-The spell in a wand must be SL0-SL3 and cannot have a Casting Time longer than a Big Action.
-Crafting a wand takes 10 minutes per Craft DC. The wand must be completed in one sitting.
-This requires an amount of Craft(Magic Item) CraComs equal to half the Merchant Price of the wand.
-The Merchant Price for a Wand = (Spell Level x Spell Level x 200gp)+10gp
-SL0 Wands cost 70gp. The solid base of the wand costs 10gp. (SL1 = 210gp, SL2 = 810gp, etc)
-A Magic Wand may or may not indicate the command word and/or spell name on the side of the wand.
-Feats & special abilities that enhance your spellcasting do not apply to spells cast from a wand.
Example crafted Wands:
Wand of Enfeeblement (Arcane SL1) – Ray of Enfeeblement (SL1, FORTDC12). Spell Name & Command Word inscribed on the wand in Elven. Cost: (SL1xSL1x200 = 200) +10 = 210gp
Wand of Nature’s Healing (Divine SL3) – Nature’s Healing (SL3, FORTDC14[harmless]). Spell Name inscribed on the wand in Sylvan. No command word shown. Cost: (SL3xSL3x200 = 1800) +10 = 1810gp
Wondrous Items (Chapter 12.5)
What are Wondrous Items? Wondrous items are all the different types of magic gear that can be worn, wielded, or activated apart from weapons, armors, shields, wands, scrolls, or potions.
-The most common Wondrous Items are pieces of enchanted clothing that grant boosts to certain Skills. The rarest and most valuable wondrous items are capable of granting you enhanced Ability Scores, mystical powers, special abilities, or spell-casting prowess beyond your wildest dreams!
-Wondrous Items are all the other cool things that you can wear, carry around, or otherwise encounter throughout your adventures; Gloves of Strength, Rings of Invisibility, Bags of Holding, and so on!
How to Read Wondrous Item Information:
Most Wondrous Items must be worn by a character in specific Equip Slots. Wondrous Items are organized in the following sections of this chapter based on the Equip Slot in which they may be used.
Reminder - Equip Slots are locations on a character where an item can be worn:
-Head, Face, Neck, Shoulders, Torso-Over, Torso-Under, Waist, Legs, Arms, Hands, Feet, Ring 1, Ring 2, Accessory
Item Name (Merchant Price): (Activation Type) Item Description and effects created. (Spell used to create)
-The Merchant Price includes the MW cost of the base item plus the cost of the magic power.
-The spell required to craft this magic item is shown in parentheses after the item description. Any listed spell on a magic item functions at the lowest possible SL unless a higher SL is indicated. If no spell is listed, but the item can be used to cast a spell, assume the needed spell is the same as the one the item can cast.
-Special: Any piece of magic clothing or jewelry will automatically re-size to properly fit a wearer within 1 size category of the original item’s size. (unless specifically indicated otherwise)
-Magic Weapons, Armor, Helmets, and Shields do NOT resize unless specifically indicated in their description.
12.5a - Basic Wondrous Items – Magic Clothing of Skill:
These enchanted clothing items provide a Power Bonus of either +2 or +4 to one or two Skills, as described below. If choosing 2 Skills, there must be some rational relationship between the two. These come in all shapes and sizes and may affect any Skill. These items are easy to customize for a specific character and are often the first magic items spell-casters learn to create on their own!
-Magic clothing items can be any individual piece of clothing used in any normal Equip Slot.
-Such as a Shirt, Hat, Cape, Robe, pair of Boots, Gloves, Pants, and so on.
-The MW clothing item is normally one or two colors. A simple pattern may be added if desired.
-Specific Skill Types must be indicated (Such as Craft[Academia] or Knowledge[Nature])
-Clothing of Skill +2 (200gp) or +4 (800gp): (+4 cannot be applied to Wrestling)
(Passive) Wearing this piece of clothing grants you a +2 or +4 Power Bonus to the indicated Skill.
Ex: Gloves of Wrestling +2, Cape of Diplomacy +4, Pants of Perseverance +2, Sash of Riding +4 (Spell – Skilled)
-Clothing of (2 Related Skills) +2 (450gp):
(Passive) Wearing this piece of clothing grants you a +2 Power Bonus to both indicated Skills.
Ex: Shirt of Stealth +2 (Hide & Move Silently), Nurse’s Cap +2 (Heal & Craft[Alchemy]) (Spell – Skilled)
-Jewelry of Skills: Jewelry is more expensive than clothing. For simplicity, add the indicated amount to the cost of similar magic Clothing of Skills: +150gp for a ring of Skills, or +200gp for a Necklace or Crown of Skills.
Magical Carrying Containers (Chapter 12.6) Magical backpacks, sheaths, quivers, pouches, and more
Bags of Holding:
A “Bag of Holding” is the generic name for many different types of magical containers that have a passive transmutation effect that shrinks all materials inside. This vastly reduces the weight and allows the bag a significantly larger number of Storage Slots. Any item described as a Bag of Holding follows these basic rules:
-A bag of holding shrinks the items it contains to approximately 1/10th their original size. Items return to full size when removed from the bag. The magic is considered the “Passive” Activation Type.
-The weight indicated is the actual weight of the bag itself. The bag’s weight never changes, regardless of the amount of items you put inside.
(The weight of the bag technically varies slightly as you put items inside, but this calculation has been removed for simplicity.)
-All items contained within take up the standard number of Storage Slots.
-You must note the weight of contained items for purposes of determining the bag’s maximum capacity.
-A bag of holding cannot hold living creatures, items that magically resize, or other magical containers with additional storage slots. These items automatically fall to the ground when you attempt to put them inside.
-Each Bag of Holding indicates the bag’s weight, maximum capacity, and any other special features. If no other features are indicated, the bag functions in all other aspects as a normal version of the container type.
-Crafting any bag of holding requires the Shrink Item/Enlarge Item spell.
Bags of Holding - Specific Descriptions:
Backpack of Holding (Light or Standard – 800gp): Functions exactly as a normal backpack of the same variety, but with much larger total capacity. (Reminder: Standard Backpack causes -1 Attack Penalty & -1 Mobility Penalty while worn.)
Handypouch (360gp): The largest item that can fit into this belt pouch is 4 Storage Slots (16 Slots total). When you reach into it for a specific item, that item is always on top; no digging around or fumbling! Retrieving any item from the pouch is a Swift Action. The mouth of the Handypouch is 6-inches (15cm) wide.
-A Very Handypouch (760gp) follows the same rules, but with larger capacity (32 Slots). The largest item it can hold is 6 Storage Slots, and the mouth of the pouch is 10 inches wide.
Nomad’s Quiver (250gp): This decorative leather quiver appears as a normal quiver capable of holding 20 arrows. However, it can actually contain up to 80 arrows, bolts, sling bullets, darts, or blowdarts. These are as easy to grab and use as if held in a normal quiver. Regardless of the ammunition held, the quiver always weighs only 1 pound.
Nomad’s Quiver, Advanced (600gp): This appears as a well-made quiver capable of holding 20 arrows with an additional separation at the top. This quiver can contain up to 80 arrows, bolts, darts, or other ammunition. These are as easy to grab and use as if held in a normal quiver. The Advanced Nomad’s Quiver can also hold a single of the following in the additional sleeve: Javelin, Shortspear, Shortbow, Longbow, or any weapon of similar length & width (GM Discretion, max length ~7’ [84” / 213cm). The top portion of the weapon is visible when held within the quiver’s sleeve. Regardless of the weapon & ammunition held, the quiver always weighs only 1 pound.
Other Magical Carrying Containers:
Assassin’s Sheath (450gp): (Thought) This sheath completely disappears or re-appears with a thought from the wearer, melding into the belt upon which it is attached. This sheath can hold any 1 light weapon. If the belt or Assassin’s Sheath is removed, the sheath becomes visible in its normal size. (Spells – Shrink Item, Alter Body)
-The weight of the light weapon held within still applies normally.
Backpack of Mending (550gp): This finely crafted standard or light backpack repairs and maintains all equipment stored within. Rusted or tarnished items held within the pack retain their original luster, worn leather straps return to full strength, and splintered wood is repaired. After 24 hours, all items held within are clean & fresh.
-Items with the tattered condition stored within the backpack for 1 day are repaired after this time.
-Shields stored in the backpack for 8 hours are repaired +5HP. (Heavy/Tower Shields cannot fit inside)
-Armor stored within the backpack for 8 hours is considered “properly maintained” for a full week.
-The magic also makes this backpack immune to normal wear & tear; it never requires maintenance.
-The backpack itself may be damaged, but it repairs itself within 24 hours unless utterly destroyed. (Spell – Make Whole)
Bladesharp Scabbard (1100gp): (Thought) 1/day – As you draw the blade from this ornate, hardwood combat scabbard, you may have it cast the Keen Edge spell upon the blade being drawn. (Spell – Keen Edge)
-This scabbard magically adjusts to fit any small or medium size Arming Sword, Shortsword, or Scimitar.
Burglar’s Bandoleer (875gp): This bandoleer the normal quick access to a few items and it can also magically provide you with one of many tools to assist you in just about any larcenous situation.
-Just like a normal bandoleer, this has 4 Storage Slots for small items. (Spells – Creation, Skilled)
-(Passive) You gain a +2 Power Bonus to Move Silently and Climb.
-(Touch) Once per day, you can create and pull out a single MW item from the bandoleer from the following list: Thief’s Tools, Spyglass, Magnifying Glass, Mirror, Grappling Hook +50’ Rope, Lantern w/1pt oil.
-These conjured items function normally and exist for up to 4 hours, after which they dissolve into nothingness. A DC15 Craft(Magic Items) check or a Detect Magic spell indicates that these are not normal items.
Massive Sheath (425gp): This wide leather back sheath allows you to stow weapons with the “Carry” property that normally cannot be carried in a sheath. These weapons may be sheathed and drawn using a Little Action (Provokes AOO). The weight of the weapon still applies normally. (Spell - Shrink Item/Enlarge Item)
-While in this sheath, a Cumbersome weapon does not incur a Mobility Penalty.
Masterful Scroll Case (550gp): Holds up to 20 standard size scrolls, maps, or similar items. Items inside are protected from aging, decay, fire, and other hazards. It is magically sealed against air & water to keep the items inside preserved forever. Minor wear & tear is repaired after 2 hours within the case. If at least 50% of the scroll or parchment remains, severe damage is repaired after 24 hours. (Spells – Mend, Scribe or Erase)
-A large map, parchment, or canvas takes up the space of 5 normal scrolls.
-(Touch Action) You may access or store any 1 desired scroll. (You do not have to roll up the scroll to store it.)
-(Touch Code) May be magically locked or unlocked if you desire. (Magic lock Disable DC28)
-If anyone physically breaks open the locked scroll case, it erupts in a burst of magic, dealing 3d6 Force Damage to all creatures & objects within 10 feet. This destroys the case & all materials contained within.
-1/day (Touch Code): You may place any 1 map or scroll within the case, along with a blank scroll or parchment, then activate the case. This makes an exact copy of the other scroll. If you like, this may also translate a written text from any 1 language you can read into a different language you can speak on the copy.
-These copies are not formed using any ink or materials. These can be identified as forgeries with a DC20 Craft[Academia] check. This cannot duplicate magic scrolls or any magic spells active upon any of the parchments within. It can, however, make an exact visual copy of such items, but without the magic powers.
-Weight: 1 pound. Side Sheath Carrying location. This case cannot be used to hold any other type of items.
Scabbard of Small Arms (300gp): This single, hard scabbard can hold any 1 melee weapon that could normally be held in a scabbard or sheath (from daggers to maces to longswords). Regardless of the weapon held in the scabbard, it appears only as if a scabbard holding a dagger. Carried/Cumbersome weapons cannot be held in this sheath. The weight of the weapon still applies normally. (Spell - Shrink Item/Enlarge Item)
Waterskin of Survival (470gp): Holds 1 quart of water when full. Refills itself at a rate of 1 quart per 4 hours. Always weighs 2 lbs. This is enough water to sustain 2 medium sized creatures every day.
-Converted Units: Holds 1 Liter of water / 1 Kg / Refills at rate of 0.25L/hr (Spell - Create Food and Water)