New LFG Wizard Player Character Pack is
now available! Get it HERE!
Class Overview
The Arcane Spellbook is now available! This supplemental resource contains all 219 Arcane Spells available to Wizards! Get it HERE!
A Wizard is a brilliant arcane magician with a wide array of spells. Wizards bypass their physical limitations by studying and training their magic, becoming exponentially more powerful as they progress.
A wizard can be a maniacal recluse, a well-spoken aristocrat, an educated witch, or any other intelligent and studious magician. Their reliance on intelligence means they can speak many languages and earn a good number of Skill Ranks. With low HP and poor physical combat, wizards rely on quick thinking and potent magic to get them out of tough situations.
-The wizard has the most powerful magic in the game and the most customizable and adaptable spell list.
-In a party, wizards are valued for their vast knowledge, linguistics, utilitarian spells, and face-melting offensive power.
-Wizard characters from fiction & history: Merlin, Raistlin Majere, Gandalf, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Mr. Norrell
Hit Rating (HR): Medium
Saves: Bad Fort / Bad Ref / Good Will
Skill Ranks: 8+INT Mod
Weapon Proficiency: Simple
Armor /Shield Proficiency: Simple
Hit Points Per Level: 4+CON Mod
Initiative Rating: Slow (+1 per 5 levels)
Morality & Motivations: Simple

WIZARD – Class Level Table
If the “spells per day” is left blank in the table, you cannot cast any spells of this Spell Level; you are not yet strong enough to harness their power!
Wizard – Daily Spells Table
Level | Spells Known | Daily Spell Slots
Scholarly (Ex): You gain a +2 Class Bonus to Craft(Academia). You must spend at least 2 Skill Ranks per Wizard Level on Knowledge Skills. (You may place 1 rank in 2 Knowledge Skills, or 2 Ranks in 1 Knowledge Skill)
Literate: Wizards must place at least 1 Rank in Craft(Academia) at Level 1. They may read and write all languages they can speak.
Wizard - Spellcasting Basics: Key Ability Score = INT
Wizard Spell Info: Arcane Magic, Arcane Spell List, Prepared & Memorized Daily
To be able to cast a Wizard Spell: Requires minimum Intelligence of 10+Spell Level
Wizard Spell Save DC: 10+Spell Level+INT Mod
Regain Daily Spells & Abilities: Complete a Long Rest & study your Spellbook for 1 hour
Special Info: You must hold an Arcane Focus (F), such as your Spellbook, to cast some spells.
Spells: A wizard is a prepared arcane caster. Your magic comes from knowledge and control of arcane power through persistent research and practice. You have access to every arcane spell you can read in a spellbook. This allows you the ability to customize your spell list for specific situations.
You cast arcane spells from the “Arcane” spell list. You read and memorize spells for each day of adventuring. When a wizard casts a spell, the arcane power strips the knowledge of the spell from your mind. This is why wizards must have their spellbooks; to focus their power and to remember the spells they can cast!
Each day, you study your spellbook and memorize each individual spell to use in the coming day. To be able to cast a wizard spell, you must have an Intelligence score equal to at least (10+Spell Level). The Difficulty Class (DC) for a Saving Throw against one of your wizard spells is (10+Spell Level+INT Mod).
*If the number of spells per day is left blank in the table, you cannot cast any spells of this spell level; you are not yet strong enough to harness their power!
Like other spellcasters, you can cast only a certain number of spells of each Spell Level per day, as listed in the table above. You begin play with four Spell Level 0 slots and two Spell Level 1 slot available per day. At each new wizard level, you gain access to one or more new spells per day, as indicated in the table above.
When you cast a spell, it is lost from your mind. Cross that spell off of your character sheet (or make a mark next to it) indicating that it has been used and is no longer available. When all of the spells have been marked off, you have used up all of your daily spells, and cannot cast any more until you rest and study.
Arcane Exhaustion: Casting powerful spells of SL3+ is an exhausting process.
Whenever you cast a spell of SL3+, you must make a Perseverance Check DC10+[2xSL]. If you fail, the spell is cast, but you also suffer +1 Weakened Stage.
-Once you gain access to SL6, you no longer need to make this check for SL3 spells.
-Once you gain access to SL8, you no longer need to make this check for SL4 spells.
How do I get my spells back?
Daily Studies: During a Long Rest, you must spend 1 hour studying your spellbook to memorize your daily allotment of spells. While studying, you are Distracted, and may not converse with anyone.
-You may never regain your full daily allotment of spells more than once per day.
-If you wish to cast the same spell multiple times, you must prepare it multiple times, using a slot for each time you wish to be able to cast that spell. You may always choose a lower level spell in a higher level spell slot.
-After your rest, when your studies are completed, you are granted your new daily allotment of spells and all of your abilities refresh for the day. You develop your new daily spell list at this time.
-If you do not complete your rest and studies, you do not regain any daily spell slots.
When you complete a Short Rest: You may regain one expended Daily Spell Slot (but not be from your highest available SL). You may also swap out any 1 prepared spell for a different spell of appropriate SL.
How do I gain access to new spells?
Whenever you gain a level, you may freely add any three spells of a Spell Level you can cast to your spellbook. This represents your consolidated studies over the course of your adventuring. To gain even more new spells, you must find them in a scroll or another spellbook, then copy the spells into your own spellbook. See the spellbook section below for more details.
-Your starting spellbook contains all the Spell Level 0 spells of the Wizard spell list, as well as any 3 Spell Level 1 Wizard spells you desire. You also may add 1 additional Spell Level 1 to your spellbook per +1 INT Mod.
Casting Wizard Spells – Spell Components & Arcane Focus:
-Wizard spells generally require verbal (V) and somatic (S) components, meaning you need to be able to speak and move your hands, but you may still be holding items in your hands. Certain spells may be cast without one or the other. Spells requiring unique components (U) require you to have these special items as well.
-In order to cast many of your spells as a Wizard, you must have a special item that helps you to focus your mind on the arcane magic. Any one of these items is referred to as an Arcane Focus (F).
-An Arcane Focus must be held or grasped by at least 1 hand to be effective.
-Your personal, hand-written Spellbook always counts as your own Arcane Focus. So long as this is held in your hands, it counts as an Arcane Focus for all spells you have written within this book.
-You may also get another item to serve as an Arcane Focus. Many wizards prefer to use a different item so their spellbook may be kept safely in a backpack or magical pouch, which also provides a free hand if needed.
-You may select 1 other item from the following list to serve as a Secondary Arcane Focus:
MW Wizard’s Staff, MW Crystal Ball, Pouch of Arcane Talismans, Wizard’s Wand
-You must hold or wear the item throughout your 1-hour of daily preparation for it to become functional as your Secondary Arcane Focus. It will serve as such until you meditate with and activate a different item.
-You may only have 1 Secondary Arcane Focus at a time.
-Additional details about Arcane Foci are detailed at the end of the Wizard section.
You must select to gain either a Familiar or to gain a School Specialization; Choose one!
Familiar: A familiar is an animal that has a supernatural bond with an arcane caster. Both the familiar and the caster share a portion of their life force with one another, granting each other special abilities. The familiar is a close friend and life-long companion to its master, and they take great care to protect each other. A familiar is normal animal that gains new powers and becomes a magical beast when it bonds with a wizard or sorcerer.
Your familiar also grants you, its master, special abilities as a result of the magical bond between you. These benefits are permanent, as long as the familiar is alive and bonded with you.
-For specific benefits, familiar choices, and details, see the Familiar section (Ch 3.11).
School Specialization: A school is one of seven groupings of spells, each defined by a common theme. Select a single school of magic to be your Specialist School. The seven schools of magic are:
Conjuration (C), Divination (D), Guile & Glamour (G), Necromancy (N), Primal (P), Transmutation (T), Ward (W)
A specialist in a particular school is often called by a certain name, as indicated in the parentheses below.
Conjuration: Spells that create or transport creatures or objects. (Conjurer)
Divination: Spells that reveal information. (Diviner)
Guile & Glamer: Spells that alter perceptions, deceive, or control other creatures. (Illusionist, Enchanter, Deceiver)
Necromancy: Spells that manipulate negative energy and the powers of death. (Necromancer)
Primal: Spells that manipulate primal powers of the elements or generate pure magical force. (Elementalist)
Transmutation: Spells that transform or alter matter, time, or space. (Transmuter)
Ward: Spells that protect and defend. (Warder)
You gain the following benefits to your selected Specialist School:
-You gain the Spell Practice Feat for your chosen school. In addition, whenever you take a Short Rest, you may trade out any of your unused prepared spells and replace them with spells from your specialist School.
Cantrips: Your most basic magic spells are easily refreshed. You need only 1 minute of concentration to regain one of your expended SL0 spells. You must remain still & undisturbed to do so.
-Depending on the situation, you may be required to make a Concentration check. (DC at GM Discretion)
-You no longer need to refer to your spellbook to prepare your SL0 spells (except if you have just acquired a new SL0 spell). You must still select which SL0 spells you wish to have available during the day.
-If you take a Short Rest, you automatically refresh all SL0 spells you have expended that day.
Bonus Feat: You may select a single Feat for which you meet all prerequisites.
Expert Casting - lvl9: You may cast an SL0 or SL1 spell as a Swift Action. You may cast a single SL0 or SL1 spell on the same turn as another spell of any SL.
Favorite Spell X: Select a single spell to become a Favorite Spell. Favorite Spells function the same way as normal spells, except with the following benefits:
-You may spontaneously cast a Favorite Spell by expending any available Daily Spell Slot and casting the Favorite Spell of the same or lower SL in its place.
Ex: As a Level 10 Wizard, Mayat has two Favorite Spells; Magic Missile & Scorching Ray. Today, Mayat memorized Darkness in a SL2 slot, but an enemy goblin has just snatched her coinpurse! Mayat expends her SL2 Darkness spell to launch a SL2 Magic Missile in its place. The missiles erupt on the goblin in a burst of energy, dropping it dead in its tracks.
-You do not need to read a book or memorize a page to be able to cast a Favorite Spell.
-You are Fortunate on any Concentration check made to cast a Favorite Spell.
-You ignore the Arcane Focus (F) requirement of a Favorite Spell.
To select a Favorite Spell, you must meet the following requirements:
Your selected Favorite Spell must be SLX or lower. You must select the Favorite Spell as soon as you gain a level that offers one. You may not “save up” your Favorite Spell slots, nor may you change them in the future when you access higher level spells. Your Favorite Spell choice is permanent and may never be changed.
You must have cast the selected spell at least a few times in the past, whether only in practice or combat.
You cannot select a spell with a Unique (U) Component to be a Favorite Spell.
A Spellbook weighs 3 pounds and takes up 4 Storage Slots. An empty Spellbook costs 10gp.
A spellbook has 100 available pages (A level 1 Wizard is given a free spellbook).
Each spell takes up 1 page per Spell Level. (SL0 and SL1 require 1 page)
Your starting spellbook contains all the Spell Level 0 spells of the Wizard spell list, as well as any 3 Spell Level 1 Wizard spells you desire. You also may add 1 additional Spell Level 1 to your spellbook per +1 INT Mod.
Adding a spell to your spellbook:
-The spell must be of Arcane Magic. You must have something from which to copy the spell – another spellbook, scroll, magical tapestry, etc. You must be able to understand/decipher the spell you wish to copy before you may do so.
COST: [2gp per SL] – Adding the runes of a spell to your spellbook requires a small amount of inks and materials, represented by Crafting Components (CraComs) for Craft(Academia). (SL0 costs 1gp)
TIME: It takes (Spell Level) hours to successfully copy the spell into your spellbook. (SL0 takes 30 minutes)
If you cannot read it, you will have to get it translated. An imperfect translation will cause the spell to fail.
CHECK: Craft(Academia) – DC(10+SL): Success means you properly copy the spell into your spellbook. Failure by 5+ wastes the ink and time and you must try again. The pages in your spellbook are only used upon success.
-Upon gaining a level, you may freely add any 3 spells to your spellbook, up to the highest Spell Level you are able to cast. It is assumed you have been researching and writing these spells during your daily studies.
Adding Spells to your Spellbook from a Scroll or another Wizard’s Spellbook:
You must first decipher the spell before you can use it: Craft(Academia) DC(15+Spell Level), or use the Identify spell. Without using Identify, deciphering the scroll takes 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration.
-If deciphering another spellbook, the check must be made for every page of the book.
-If you know what the scroll is because you bought it from a reputable dealer, an ally created it, or the spell has already been identified, you do not need to decipher it.
GM Info: Strange Circumstances - What happens to a blind wizard?
Hopefully, you find a Priest to fix that problem. But, just in case: A blind wizard may have their spells read to them by a helpful ally! Each morning, the wizard simply has someone read the spells out loud to the Wizard for the full study duration. This character must be able to read and write. Make a Craft(Academia) check DC20+Spell Level to properly read the spells to the wizard. The blind wizard may train an ally to read his/her own writings with 3 weeks of practice on a daily basis for at least 1 hour each day. A wizard may do this before becoming blind to prepare his allies for a worst-case scenario!
-You could also make a creative solution with an “audio spellbook,” where the book has been magically enchanted to speak the words to the wizard!
Arcane Focus – Other Options:
Secondary Arcane Focus: MW Wizard’s Staff, MW Crystal Ball, Pouch of Arcane Talismans, Wizard’s Wand
MW Wizard’s Staff: Must be engraved with Symbolic Runes representing each of the 7 Schools of Magic. (Minimum cost 200gp, Craft-Woodwork DC20). You must place your Arcane Mark upon the item.
-This also functions as a Masterwork Quarterstaff in combat.
MW Crystal Ball: (Minimum cost 300gp) At least 4” diameter. 2 Storage Slots, 0.5 pounds.
Pouch of Arcane Talismans: A MW belt pouch containing a matched set of 7 Masterwork talismans. Each talisman is a small piece of jewelry engraved with a representation of one of the 7 schools of magic and set with a different gem. (Each talisman must be at least 2” across and costs 50gp each. Craft[Jeweler] DC25). The pouch containing these items must have your Arcane Mark upon it. No other items may be kept in this pouch. The pouch itself may be grasped or held in hand to serve as the Arcane Focus.
-A single talisman may be held in hand and used as a Focus for that one School of magic.
Focus Wand: This small rod must be personally crafted by the Wizard intending to use it to function as an Arcane Focus. It may be made of wood, metal, glass, or any other materials you desire, but it must be engraved, carved, or permanently marked with Symbolic Runes representing each of the 7 Schools of Magic. Any appropriate Craft Skill may be used. (Craft DC15, Materials Cost of 25gp. No direct Merchant Price except as material)
-This small item may be held in a bandoleer, side sheath, or boot sheath and takes up only 2 Storage Slots and has weight of 0.25 pounds.
-You gain a +1 Gear Bonus on all magic Touch Attack Rolls made while wielding a Focus Wand.
-MW Focus Wand: As above, but you gain a +2 Gear Bonus on all magic Touch Attack Rolls made while wielding the Focus Wand. (Materials Cost = 250gp, Craft DC20) -Note: A “Focus Wand” is different from a “Magic Wand” which is a special magic item containing numerous charges of a single spell.
-Any magic user may benefit from the Attack Roll bonus of a Focus Wand, even if not used for the (F) component.
Emergency Arcane Foci: If you lose your Arcane Focus, you may be able to find certain items in the world that can serve as an Arcane Focus for one or more specific schools of magic. The following list provides a few examples of the types of items that may serve as a Focus for each School of Magic. (Additional items available at GM Discretion)
Warding (W): A real shield, or a full Heavy Armor kit for a creature of your size or larger. A pin/broach shaped a shield or a figure holding a shield. A model/sculpture of a fortress or an armored knight with shield. A “rook/castle” chess piece of any size over 1”. A single stone weighing at least 500 lbs.
Conjuration (C): A doll, sculpture, or figurine of an animal or living creature. A circle of one of the following: stones, plants, fungus, salt, or chalk - at least 5’ in diameter, but no more than 20’ in diameter (standing inside the circle is acceptable). A vial of acid may be used as the focus for conjuration spells with the acid/corrosion type.
Divination (D): A mirror or crystal ball. A deck of Tarot Cards. Calm & reflective water at least 10” diameter/
Guile & Glamer (G): A healthy flower at least 3” in diameter, a string instrument, a bottle of real faerie dust or wings of a fey creature, a Harlequin Mask. A Deck of Cards, a clear & mostly flat glass pane (like a window), a magnifying glass, a pair of spectacles/glasses. *Standing in heavy rain or fog serves as an acceptable arcane focus for Glamer illusions.
Primal (P): A lit torch, regular quarterstaff or dagger, any masterwork melee weapon, flint & steel, a piece of Fulgurite (petrified lightning) or a fist-sized piece of magnetic material such as magnetite. A large icicle or baseball-sized snowball may be used for (Cold) spells. Any real & burning fire the size of a torch or larger may be used for (Fire) spells
Necromancy (N): A real hominid femur/humerus/skull, a bottle or vial of humanoid blood, a filled canopic jar, a dead animal or humanoid of at least small size.
Transmutation (T): A living tadpole or frog or toad of any size, snakeskin in a bottle, preserved butterfly or moth or cocoon in a bottle, 10 Teeth or 10 Claws of a lycanthrope (werewolf, etc)
Note: A pouch holding 7 of these items (1 per School) could serve as a backup “Arcane Focus Set” in emergencies.